First Blog Post

I’d like to introduce the world to Adventures to Astound!

A Table Top RPG set in a comic book style universe, where heroes and villains fight with with superpowers, advanced technology, and they mystical arts. Players will find themselves fighting along side cyborg ninjas, dimension hoping Satyrs, and mutant monsters as they defend the innocents of the world from from any threat, domestic or Interplanetary.

The purpose of this blog will be to:

A) Update future players about the game and it’s changes or status as it goes through the first testing Phase.

2) Grow a base of future players interested in testing/playing Adventures to Astound. So, that I can fulfill my ultimate plan of having a giant room full of players at different tables with different GMs all playing together to stop a Galactus or Darksied sized threat to the fictional, yet awesome, universe of Adventures to Astound.

Art by Shane Bennett (game creator)

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