Headquarters- Introduction

Every Hero needs a fortress of solitude. A high tech mansion that doubles as a school for special children, or a literal cave that you hide all your Bat themed gadgets in.

So, players will be allowed to give their characters one of a list of HQs available in the character creation portion of Adventures to Astound. You can choose places like the shed behind your parents house, a hidden laboratory, or my personal favorite a Windowless Van.

A character’s Occupation and income bracket will be a major factor when choosing the Headquarters they will operate out of. Each will have relatively realistic restrictions in the sense of what they can store and how secure they are from prying eyes.

Attached is a picture of some quick concept art for the PRIVATE BUNKER Headquarters. The Private Bunker Headquarters will allow players to do everything from set up sophistocated comm systems for their team to storing their vehicles and housing all of their team and any prisoners they need secured.

Shane Bennett