Species Introduction- The I'shta

The I’shta are a warrior race that has built an Empire spanning the galaxy. A ruthless species responsible for the subjugation or genocide of hundreds of other space-faring races in the name of their “Glorious Conquest”.

Before the galaxy trembled at their name, the I’shta were a fairly peaceful species slowly developing and exploring their own solar system, until a prophet arose. This prophet and her followers spread the word of a “Glorious Conquest” through the stars to find “Devthalu” the first star. This prophet was named Kethran and they have risen an empire for her “Glorious Conquest”.

They believe if at least one I’shtan makes it to Devthalu than their entire species, living and deceased, will be judged. If the people of I’shta have left behind a legacy of unchallenged power they will earn an immortal afterlife of peace and pleasure.While, the souls of each fallen I’shtan will be sent to aimlessly wonder the hell-scape of a planet they left behind.

The I’shta have established a warlord society around this belief with powerful “pure blooded” families leading armadas throughout the galaxy. Each family will then answer to the Empress of the Kehtran Empire who holds each family head on a tight leash. Their beliefs and class strict class structure leave no room for political corruption or rebellion.

“All Blood Carries Weight A common montra for the I’shtan soldier and noble alike before battle.

Shane Bennett